Erstellt irgendwann vor 2006

Hier ist schließlich mein Morrowind-Plugin. Damit das auch die englischsprachigen Menschen unter uns verstehen und weil das Plugin vornehmlich auch für die englische Version von Morrowind geschrieben wurde (es funktioniert auch mit der deutschen) ist der restliche Text in Englisch verfasst... aber das versteht man schon.
New Dwemer Riuns
After wasting my time for about one year on building this plugin it is far enough to be shown to the public. In the time I built it I learned something about scripting and so it got about 20 new scripts. Further on there are about 15 new Interrior Cells. Several Exterrior Cells were edited by me, too. Sometimes the answer of my quests is right in front of you but you should also look carefully if there is something that isn't normal (hm what might this be?).
Thefeatures are:
about 20 new scripts
about 15 new Interrior Cells
five or six edited or new Exterrior Cells
two books where one is in work and will be finished soon
one NPC, but I haven't given him much to say (you will see why)
and two new 3D models
(unfortunately untextured for now)
some new Sounds
and a hall in which hearing of 3D music is possible
If this all sounds interesting for you then download it (rar-file will be about 10MB)
Download and Screenshots
If this doesn't convince you the Screenshots might do. Just check these great pictures and decide if the pictures are what you thought.
Here you can DOWNLOAD the plugin (about 10MB).
You can find the place of the Plugin in several books I have put into the best known booksellershops like Balmora or somewhere in Vivec and Ald'ruhn. But if you are tired of reading so much you can also follow this easy instructions:
take a ruler and connect the letter 'C' from 'Caldera' with the letter 'F' from Ft. Buckmoth on your map
now go to about the middle of the ruler and you will see the end of a vally - there is the entrance of my plugin.
I hope I'll find some time to create also a picture of the map, but at the moment I haven't got much time - I'm glad I managed to build this new page.
I would be really glad if I get some feedback in my Guestbook - cu there
If you are interested in more Plugins look at this really great German fanpage:
So now it's your turn to test it. There will still be some bugs, but the main threat will work and you will come to the end (Sorry: A friend of mine told me that the cart in the "Breakout Cave"; doesn't work right. If so then open command line and type: coc "Mtiorz, Inner Cave". Now you should get to where you should have come by the cart). If there is any problem the Console is still usefull: Type coc "Balmora" and you will be beamed to Balmora. So that you can play your game further and you won't get lost in my plugin. (for the German Keybord: " = Ä and the Console is °). So this should be all, have fun!
Before I forget to say all what you need for this Plugin is of course Morrowind and its' two addons Tribunal and Bloodmoon. If you don't have the Tribunal it isn't a big problem, because I didn't use the Masterfile; I only used two or three 3D-Models. But it should also work without them.